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So, I told you on the “What’s in a name?” page that God is the cornerstone of this site and my life. I also told you that taking our health seriously should be the cornerstone of everything we do. The question becomes “how do we achieve optimal health and performance?” There are tons of resources out there that claim to help us improve our health. Some are good, some are great, and some are just plain stupid!

I am going to layout the foundations, or in this case, the Cornerstones of a Fit Life that I use and believe will help us achieve the best possible version of health that God has designed us for.

However, before I get into the basis of the model that I rely on, let’s back up one step. I am not a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or any other medical professional, never have been and never will be. Anything that I type or say is purely my beliefs and opinions. While they are opinions, they are tested either by me or those who I trust. But keep in mind that I am not prescribing anything. I am putting it out there and you can do what you will with the information.

Also, before you do anything that I or any fitness nut out there puts on a blog or website, find a good doctor that you trust and know has your best interests at heart. Not one that turns out prescriptions faster than McDonald’s turns out French Fries. No, find some who will take the time to listen to you and your concerns and develop an overall plan to improve your health.

I feel that quarterly wellness checks up are a perfect way to go about this. This is what my family does. I interact with my doctor at least once a quarter for blood work and in office visits if necessary. For more information on this, check out Episode 16 of the Mike Dolce Show by clicking here. Mike and Tony Notoroberto go in depth on this topic and its importance.

With that out of the way, are you ready? If so, let’s go!

There are many popular and creative ways of laying out a foundational model for achieving health. For example, the 10 Primal Blueprint law[i] are:

  1. Eat Plants and Animals
  2. Avoid Poisonous Things
  3. Move Frequently at a Slow Pace
  4. Lift Heavy Things
  5. Sprint Once in a While
  6. Get Adequate Sleep
  7. Play
  8. Get Adequate Sunlight
  9. Avoid Stupid Mistakes
  10. Use Your Brain

The JASSA Method says there are four major input categories that determine whether we live long and healthy lives: nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress[ii].

CrossFit defines World Class Fitness in a 100 words[iii]:

  • Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
  • Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J (clean and jerk), and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc., hard and fast.
  • Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.
  • Regularly learn and play new sports.

Okay, so while these at first appear very different, there are some common themes that I believe will lay the foundation and put us on the track to health.

In a world of modern conveniences, pills, powders, and potions that provide quick fixes, it seems that the best path to health lies in simplicity. Dave Ramsey likes to say “We give the same advice your grandmother did, except we keep our teeth in.” In his case, he is referring to life and money. But for health and performance, I think our ancestors were onto something.

Notice that with the advent of technology which allows us to process and store food for longer, to work longer and even exercise easier, we have become a society of obesity! Prior to all these advantages, you didn’t see the health issues we see today. Instead, our ancestors worked when it was daylight, slept when it was dark, ate food that they grew or killed, and took time to enjoy the small things in life. Somewhere along the way, we lost this connection with reality. My goal is to get us back there.

I propose that the following should be the Cornerstones of a Fit Life. A life that allows us to enjoy health the way God intended. They are building blocks that are interrelated and form a foundation. I will delve into more detail of each later and discuss how to apply them and why they are important. But for now, here they are:

Cornerstones of a Fit Life

  1. Eat real food based on your needs.
  2. Sleep 7 – 9 hours per night.
  3. Move fast and slow.
  4. Reduce stress and inflammation.
  5. Live, laugh, and learn.


[i] Sisson, Mark. The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram Your Genes for Effortless Weight Loss, Vibrant Health and Boundless Energy. 2012.

[ii] Seib, Jason, and Sarah Fragoso. The JASSA Method: How to Achieve Everlasting Fat Loss. 2014.

[iii] Glassman, Greg. “What Is Fitness.” CrossFit Journal (2002). CrossFit Journal. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. <>


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