Supplement Series – How do we put it altogether?

If you are interested in improving any aspect of training, nutrition, or recovery, or if you need help finding a specific supplement to meet your needs, email me at You can also connect with me through social media by clicking the links below: CSFitLife on Facebook CSFitLife on Twitter Over the last five weeks, I have thrown a lot of information at you. So, let’s look at how to put it all together. Whole Food Pre- and Post-Training If you choose not to use supplements around training, consider having a whole food meal 2-3 hours prior to training. Preferably, the meal would have a good mixture of slowing digesting carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, etc.), some veggies, and an ample amount of protein (chicken, fish, red meat, etc.). Immediately following training, consider have a small meal with some fast digesting carbs (white rice, SweeTarts, Haribo Gummy Bears, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc.), and a lean protein. This meal should be relatively small and low in fat. Pre- and Post-training Supplementation If you choose to use supplements to, well, supplement your diet and aid in training and recovery, this is how I would consider putting it altogether: Between 15 and 30 minutes before training, consider drinking a shake that contains: 20-30 grams of whey protein 5-5 grams of creatine (depends on the type) 5 grams of BCAAs 2-3 grams of beta-alanine Immediately following training (preferably before you leave the gym), consider drinking another shake that contains: 20-30 grams of whey protein & 10-20 grams of casein protein 5-5 grams of creatine (depends on the type) 5 grams of BCAAs...