We all have gifts and talents. Some of us are great at sales or accounting or car repair or being a mom. No matter what it is, all of our talents and abilities come from one source… God. He has blessed us with what it takes to excel in these areas.
The ability to walk into a room and have the confidence to say “I have what you need and by the time I leave, you’ll want to buy it!” isn’t learned in some marketing class or weekend sales seminar. The desire and understanding of how to repair a car aren’t given to everyone. The ability to juggle all of the responsibilities of being a mom wasn’t taught in the two-hour parenting class or read in the manual that came with the baby (wouldn’t that be nice!).
God designed each of us with a goal in mind. We weren’t haphazardly put together. Every part of our being… the good and the less desirable… has a purpose. We just have to find out what that purpose is. However, to find that purpose and then to use it requires that we have our health.
This doesn’t mean that we have to look like a model for Men’s Health or be able to run a sub three-hour marathon. Also, it is not to say that our “lack” of health in certain areas can’t be our purpose. Maybe our purpose is buried in some disease that we battle through. Or maybe some physical limitation in one part of our body heightens the abilities of the other parts. You see, there are people every day who have limitations in some area of life but use it to help and inspire others. So, when we talk about health, let’s understand that each person’s health is exactly that… THEIR health!
But we all have one thing in common. That is regardless of whatever level of health we are blessed with, it is a gift from God that was paid for by someone else:
I Corinthians 6:19a
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
Did you pick up on the fact that our bodies aren’t our own. We were bought at a price. Our bodies belong to God. They are on loan. When we smoke, we aren’t filling “our” lungs, we are filing lungs that belong to God. When we eat food that is full of chemicals and doesn’t provide us with nutrition, we aren’t putting the chemicals in “our” bodies. Instead, we are putting them in a body that God owns. When we choose to binge watch the newest Netflix addition or checkout social media instead of going for a walk, we are not honoring God. So, we have a responsibility to be good stewards of this temporary home that we have been given.
Our health is a necessity to fulfill our purpose. How else can we become the best salesperson, accountant, mechanic or mother? If we don’t take care of what God has given us, how can we honor God and use the gifts and talents he has embedded in each of us?
CSFitLife believes that there are “Cornerstones” of leading a fit life. You can check them out here. While starting to exercise is better than not or eating less processed foods is better than McDonald’s, achieving lasting results and improvements in overall health, requires a much deeper approach. Each of the Cornerstones impacts the other and focusing on one at the expense of the others can be detrimental.
That is where CSFitLife’s mission comes in:
CSFitLife will share the tools necessary to achieve the health that God intended us to have and to use that health to excel in Life and Sport.